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更新时间:2020-02-29浏览:评论: 条

一、词汇: 地点(locations):



home  家 

room  房间 

bedroom  卧室 

bathroom  卫生间 

living room  起居室 

kitchen  厨房  

classroom  教室 

school  学校 

park  公园 

library  图书馆 

bookstore  书店 

farm  农场 

zoo  动物园 

garden  花园 

study  书房 

playground  操场 

teacher’s office  教师办公室 

library  图书馆 

gym  体育馆  

art room  绘画教室 

computer room  计算机教室 

music room  音乐教室 

TV room  电视机房

shop 商店

指示代词:this 这,这个(通常指空间上离我们较近的单数物品)

that 那,那个 (通常指空间上离我们较远的单数物品 )






基数词就是我们学过的one,two,three  ... 可以用来表示数量、时间、年龄、号码等。


序数词用来表示顺序,表示第几,如名词、日期等。序数词是由基数词变化来的。其中 one,two,three的序数词变化是特例。序数词前要加 the

one 一  ---- first 第一       

two  二 ----  second第二

three 三 ----  third  第三   

four 四  ----   fourth第四

five 五  ----   fifth   第五     

six  六 ----   sixth第六







-Where is the library?图书馆在哪里? 

-It’s on the second floor. 它在二楼。


2.-Is this the art room? 这是美术教室吗?         

-肯定回答:Yes, it is.   

-否定回答:No, it isn’t.

-Is that the teacher’s office? 那是教师办公室吗?

-Yes, it is.  No, it isn’t.




3. 询问是否有..?

-Do you have a playground? 你们(学校)有操场吗?

-肯定回答:Yes, we do.   否定回答:No, we don’t.




4. 礼貌待客“这边请”  This way please.






“er”--/ə/ : water  水  tiger 老虎   sister 姐妹  computer 电脑  dinner晚餐




一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是( T )否( F )相同。

(  )1.art   library   storybook

(  )2.teacher  forty  floor

(  )3.sister  computer  tiger

(  )4.floor  book  football

(  )5.way  play  playground


(  )1.Our classroom is ________ the second floor.

A.on         B.in    C.at

(  )2.Go to the ________.Read a book.

A.music room  B.computer room  C.library

(  )3.Our school has ________art room.

A.an  B.a  C./

(  )4.—Here's  my homework.


A.Sorry  B.Thank you  C.Yes

(  )5.—________is your classroom?

—It's next to the music room.

A.Where  B.What  C.How


(  )1.Where is classroom 4?   A.It's next to the art room.

(  )2.This is my school.  B.Yes,it is.

(  )3.Is this the teachers' office?  C.It's so beautiful!

(  )4.Do you have a library?  D.Yes,we do.

(  )5.Where is the gym?  E.Classroom 4 is under the art room.


Chen Jie:Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.I'm in Class 1,Grade 4.

Maria:Oh!The classroom is so big and clean.How many students are there in your class?

Chen Jie:Fifty students.

Maria:Do you have a computer room?

Chen Jie:Yes,we do.It's on the first floor.We have 50 computers in it.

Maria:Great! Is this your playground?

Chen Jie:Yes,it's big and nice.We often play on it.21cnjy.com

Maria:Your school is so beautiful!

Chen Jie:Thank you!

(  )1.Chen Jie is a ________.

A.teacher         B.student

(  )2.There are________students in Chen Jie's class.

A.forty  B.fifty

(  )3.The computer room is on the ________floor.

A.first  B.second

(  )4.The playground is ________and nice.

A.big  B.small

(  )5.Chen Jie's classroom is ________.

A.big and clean  B.on the first floor



1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

二、1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A

三、1.E 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A

四、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A


