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更新时间:2020-03-07浏览:评论: 条

Truly talented actresses can pull off very different roles, including the ones where they have to transform into really unattractive women. In order to make the transformation look real, they have to do very different things: lose or gain a lot of weight in a very short time, wear shapeless clothes, or spend a lot of time in makeup that covers up their beauty.

All this effort is appreciated by regular viewersand movie critics alike. 4 of the actresses we are going to tell you about were even awarded with the most prestigious prizein the cinema worldthe Oscar.
Bright Side has found 11 actresses that canportray both fatal beauties and unattractive women.
Bright Side总结出11位既可以扮演绝色美女,又可以诠释毫无魅力的女性角色的女演员。
1. Kate Winslethas
Kate Winslethas portrayed quite a few beautiful women, but it was the role of an illiterate German woman that was convicted for the death of hundreds of people in The Reader. This film brought the actress her Oscar award. Thanks to her, and the amazing work of the makeup artists, Kate's character looked much older and uglier than Kate herself.
2. Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman is known to be a very diverse actress. For her role in V for Vendetta, Portman was brave enough to shave her head and in Goya's Ghosts (the photo on the left), she played a woman who was a victim of the Spanish Inquisition.

3. Cameron Diazis

Cameron Diazis a typical Hollywood blonde woman with a charming smile who is very hard to image as an unattractive woman. However, in the 1999 film Being John Malkovich, Cameron played an unattractive girl. The absence of makeup and a heap of dark curls on her head made her look fitting for the role and because of this she was nominated for such prestigious awards as the BAFTA and a Golden Globe.
4. Charlize Theronhas
Charlize Theronhas appeared in roles of fatal beauties many times, but the true recognition and love of movie critics came with her role in Monster. In this film, the actress played a serial killer. In order to achieve the transformation, she had to gain more than 22 lbsand she looked revolting thanks to the work of some talented makeup artists. For her role in Monster, Theron was awarded with a Golden Globe, an Oscar, and a Screen Actors Guild Award.
5. Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway played the role of Fantine in the musical Les Misérables, based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Anne's character needed to feed herself and her daughter, so she had to sell her hair, her teeth, and become a prostitute.
在根据维克多·雨果的小说改编的音乐剧《悲惨世界》中,安妮·海瑟薇扮演 Fantine。安妮的角色需要养活自己和女儿,所以她不得不卖掉头发、牙齿,成为一名妓女。
In order to play this role, in a very short time period, she had to lose more than 22 lbs and had her long hair cut on camerathis scene was actually done for real. For her role in Les Misérables, Anne got a Golden Globe, an Oscar, and a Screen Actors Guild Award.
为了扮演这个角色,她必须在很短的时间内减掉超过22磅的体重,并在镜头前剪掉了长发——这个场景实际上是真实的。 凭借在《悲惨世界》中的角色,Anne 获得了金球奖、奥斯卡奖和美国演员工会奖。

