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新外研版高中英语选择性必修四Unit 3巩固练习2022奇速英语拓展营火热报名中!

更新时间:2021-12-27浏览:评论: 条

***Unit 3 The world meets China*** 


1.After the old king died, his son ruled over the_____(王国).

2.A_____(系;部)is one of the sections in an organization such as a government, business, or university.

3.To tell the truth, I don't know the title of the song but I do remember the_____ (曲调,旋律).

4.My father is a ____ (历史学家),who is expert in the history of China.

5.There is no denying that he is the most distinguished _____ (学者)in his field.

6.They continued to climb until they reached the old_____ (寺院)at the top of the mountain.

7.I is generally agreed that Einstein is a great scientist_____ (天才).

8.The______ (雕像)was carved out of a single piece of stone.

9.By the mid-21st century , the total population will reach its_____ (顶点), followed by a gradual decrease.

10.The company enjoyed______ (巨大的 ) success because of its high tech products.



1.I fell in love_____ the city the first time I came here so I decided to live here.

2.You must seal____ the envelope before mailing the letter.

3._____ the whole, your composition is good though there are some small mistakes in it.

4.You should keep a very close eye_____ the weather changes there if you want to go hiking.

5.He knew nothing about the accident because it happened prior ____ his arrival.

6.It is estimated that more than two thirds of families in China tune_____ to the Spring Festival gala at Spring Festival Eve.

7.I want to know more about the activity.Could you please describe it _____ more detail?

8.We will work hard to ensure people from both urban and rural areas to enjoy health care_____ ( cover).

9.The more children are exposed_____ literature, the more reading will become part of their daily life.

10.The oldest embroidered product in China on record dates_____ the Shang Dynasty.



1.In order to_____ his body, Tom takes exercise every day, and now he has become so_____ that he has enough_______ to carry big stones.(strong) 

2.He often says that he doesn't believe in any _____ but meanwhile he respects others'_______ freedom.(religion) 

3.The soldier thinks it a _____thing to die for the benefit of our motherland and he should be given the______.(glory) 

4.Many development strategies now give______ agricultural and rural development.That is to say, agricultural and rural development is______ to others.(prior)



1.Behind the big trees__________________.


2.The problem is not_________________ he imagined.


3.This is the hospital_________________.


4.I have heard a lot of good things about you_____________.


5.My childhood home will never________________.




On the old Silk Road, Dunhuang was the gateway to and from Ancient China, a place 1_____ East met Wes and a green island in the middle of the desert.Dunhuang's long and glorious history represents its 2 _____ (significant) as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange.There are more than 700 famous caves in Dunhuang, which 3_____ (carve) out of the rock over a period of 1,00 years.The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary from  4_____  (religion) stories to scenes of everyday life.5 _____( reflect) the confidence and optimism of people from that time.
Something really extraordinary happened in 1900, when a Taoist priest made one of the most important 6______ ( find) of the 20th century.In a 7_____ ( seal) cave were hidden thousands of manuscripts, paintings and scrolls including silk embroideries.The scrolls are 8___ detailed that they describe the vast range of goods that were imported and exported from Dunhuang.
In the Ming Dynasty , trade routes changed and Dunhuang was not as prosperous as it used to be.9______( gradual), it faded from memory, even though it was once such a great city.Dunhuang has once again become a global crossroads since it 10 _____(host) hundreds of representatives from 51 countries for the Silk Road International Cultural Expo in 2017.



1.古代中国是一个庞大的王国 ,拥有悠久和辉煌的历史。
3.历史学家认为孔子是一个天才 ,并且有许多关于他的传奇故事。


一、1.kingdom 2.department 3.tune 4.historian 5.scholar 6.temple 7.genius 8.statue 9.peak 10.enormous

二、1.with 2.up 3.On 4.on 5.to 6.in 7.in 8.coverage 9.to 10.from

三、1.strengthen; strong; strength 

2.religion; religious

3.glorious; glory 

4.priority; prior


1.is my grandfather's house 

2.as complicated as

3.where I was born 

4.since I came back from abroad 

5.fade from my memory

五、1.where 2.significance 3.were carved 4.religious 5.reflecting 6.finds 7.sealed 8.so 9.Gradually 10.hosted  


Ancient China was ar enormous kingdom with a long and glorious history.Confucius is considered to be the most famous scholar in ancient China.Now many statues in many schools are in memory of him.Historians believe that Confucius is a genius, and there are many romances about him.Now there are Confucius Institutes in many countries around the world.








