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更新时间:2020-12-08浏览:评论: 条

7A Unit6完型填空专题练习


Mrs Green has lots of money but she doesn't have any kids. Annie is a nice girl and her parents don't have much . So Annie's parents give daughter to Mrs Green, Mrs Green likes Annie very much and Annie is in Mrs Green's family.

One day, Mrs Green wants to buy new clothes Annie. She gives Annie some money and asks her to clothes shops,but Annie doesn't want to go. "No,Mum. I have enough clothes,but my sister Frances doesn't have clothes. Our parents don't have money to buy her clothes, I buy new clothes for her with the money?" "Sure. Annie, you are great! You always think about . Call your sister and ask her to come here. I'll buy her some new 10 and nice food. I think she'll be happy and I will be happy too." says Mrs Green. "Giving

can bring happiness(幸福)."

( )1 .A. monkey B. money C. kids D. daughters

( )2 .A. his B. her C. your D. their

( )3 . A. sad B. bored C. happy D. interested

( )4 .A. for B. to C. at D. in

( )5 .A. go B. going C. goes D. to go

( )6 .A. old B. new C. long D. short

( )7 .A. enough B. many C. few D. little

( )8 .A. Should B. Need C. Can D. Must

( )9 .A. others B. other C. another D. the other

( )10 .A. books B. clothes C. fruit D. vegetables


Do you like eating hamburgers in the KFC or McDonald's? Do you know what is in a hamburger? Yes,vegetables and beef pork. And do you like to have a hamburger with beef or pork in it? People in India(印度)do!

Hamburgers usually have meat,but in India,many hamburgers are .More than a billion(十亿)people live in India, and about 80% of are Hindus(印度教徒).These people eat beef. And about 20 % of the people are Muslins(穆斯林)people. They must say to pork. So KFC and McDonald's must their original(原先的)hamburgers.

Some McDonald's in India have a good now. They have another kind of meat, .And one McDonald's there doesn't have any meat in its menu(菜单).Its hamburgers have 10 only. Many people go to this McDonald's every day.

( )1.A. and B. with C. or D. but

( )2.A. some B. much C. no D. any

( )3.A interesting B. important C. different D. heal

( )4.A. them B. they C. him D. he

( )5.A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. never

( )6.A. hello B. thanks C. sorry D. goodbye

( )7.A. make B. cook C. have D. change

( )8.A. question B. idea C. meat D. meal

( )9.A. pork B. beef C. chicken D. bread

( )10.A. vegetables B. food C. drinks D. menu


I am an apple. I'm a kind of sweet fruit. You can find me grow in many places of the world, but can't grow well in very hot places very cold places.

I am not like my cousins and bananas. I am rounder than a pear and bananas are longer than me. I am ,so people all over the world like to eat me. They can usually eat me washing me. They can also cook me to all kinds of food. Sometimes they put me in cans(罐头)to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have to buy me because I cost very little.

I can also help people get . There is a saying in English:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Don't you think that I'm very great? I have many vitamins(维生素)inside. They are good for you. I really to make you happy and healthy, so don't forget to eat me as often as possible(尽可能经常地).

But I also need your . If you want to make me taste better, you must 10 me well. Thank you for your love. I'll try to grow well and become sweeter. Then you will like to eat me a lot more.

( )1 .A. but B. and C. or D.as

( )2 .A. lemons B. tomatoes C. pears D. oranges

( )3 .A. bad B. badly C. delicious D. cold

( )4 .A. after B. before C. for D. with

( )5 .A. let B. have C. take D. make

( )6 .A. time B.money C. energy D. food

( )7 .A. happy B. smart C. slims D. healthy

( )8 .A. think B. say C. believe D. hope

( )9 .A. energy B. vitamin C. love D. hand

( )10.A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look out


Hello,I am Jenny. I have a little brother called Henry. He is five years old. What does he ?

He has brown hair and two big yellow eyes. His nose is and his mouth is small too. Now,he is a blue T-shirt.

He likes to eat very much. He usually eats it for lunch four times a week. When he eats fish,my often cuts off(切掉)the head of the fish and eats it.

Today is Henry's birthday. In the evening,there is a in my house. Some of my parent's friends,my uncle and my aunt are in the party. After we eat cake, we begin to eat dinner. There is a plate of fish on the table. My uncle ,"Henry, here are the fish." Henry cuts off all the heads of the fish and them into his bowl. And then he says,"Mum,they are for you. You 10 to eat them,don't you?"

( )1.A. look up B. look like C. look for D. look after

( )2.A. big B. long C. small D. short

( )3.A. in B. on C. for D. to

( )4.A. salad B. chicken C. fish D. fruit

( )5.A. grandfather B. grandmother C. father D. mother

( )6.A. party B. lesson C. dinner D. sale

( )7.A. both B. all C. neither D. none

( )8.A. asks B. tells C. says D. reads

( )9.A. uses B. puts C. washes D. cuts

( )10.A. like B. plan C. start D. learn


Do you like shopping? My like shopping very much. Let tell you something about their shopping habits. My brother loves , so he always goes to sports shops. He many tennis shoes in his room. Some of them are still in their original(最初的) . Daisy is my sister. She likes to go to a big shopping mall in the centre of the city with her friends. There are clothes shops and shops there. She usually shops first and then eats some nice food. She thinks it's very . My mother likes to shop online, she doesn't have much time to go to shops and she can many things in a short time. As for my father, he likes to make a shopping list before going shopping. And he usually goes to the 10 near my home. He thinks it's convenient(方便的)and the shoppers there are helpful.

( )1. A. family B. friends C. classmate D. teachers

( )2. A. her B. them C. me D. us

( )3. A. socks B. shoes C. jackets D. T-shirts

( )4. A. paints B. borrows C. wants D. has

( )5. A. boxes B. desks C. photos D. schoolbags

( )6. A. book B. food C. watch D. bag

( )7. A. bad B. difficult C. tired D. wonderful

( )8. A. after B. before C. so D. because

( )9. A. buy B. borrow C. eat D. sell

( )10. A. school B. office

C. supermarket D. library


Food is very important.Everyone needs to 1 well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is 2 .We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young.Small children are 3 in everything around them.They learn 4 while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older they begin to 5 storybooks,science books and so on.When they find something new,they love to as questions and 6 to find out the answers.

What is the best 7 to get knowledge? If we learn 8 ourselves,we will get the most

knowledge.If we are 9 getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn well.When we study in the right way.we will learn mot and understand 10 

1.A.sleep B.read C.drink D.eat

2.A.sport B.exercise C.knowledge D.meat

3.A.interested B.interesting C.weak D.better

4.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

5.A.1end B.read C.learn D.write

6.A.try B.have C.think D.wait

7.A.place B.school C.way D.road

8.A.on B.with C.to D.by

9.A.often B.always C.usually D.sometimes

10.A.harder B.much C.better D.well


1-5 BDCAD 6-10 BACAB


1-5 CCCAD 6-10 CDBCA


1-5 CCCAD 6-10 BDDCB


1-5 BCACD 6-10 ABCBA


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C


1.D 由第一句中的food可知。

2.C 知识是精神食粮,后一句明确提到knowledge。

3.A be interested in是固定短语,意为"对……感兴趣"。

4.B 在看和听的过程中小孩子就能学会,something泛指他们学到的东西。

5.B read storybooks读故事书。

6.A try to do sth.意为"努力做某事"。

7.C 根据句意"最好的获得知识的方法是什么? "可知。

8.D learn by oneself意为"自学"。

9.B 如果总是从他人那里得到答案并不追问为什么,那我们永远学不好。

10.C understand better和前面learn more对应,意为"学到更多,理解得更好"。









