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更新时间:2021-03-09浏览:评论: 条




关于以O结尾,加上-es变复数的单词,我们可以这样记住:黑人英雄爱吃土豆和马铃薯,那么negro, hero, tomato, potato便可以很快记住了。


考点2: 可数名词和不可数名词的数量表达



few, a few, quite a few, many, too many, a (large) number of.


little, a little, quite a little, much, too much, an amount of, a large amount of, huge amounts of, a great deal of.


some, any, lots of, a lot of , plenty of, two hundred/thousand/million, hundreds/thousands/millions of.




(一)  规则变化

  名词单数变复数,直接加 -s 占多数;

s, x, z, ch, sh 来结尾,直接加上 -es;

  词尾是 f 或 fe,加 -s 之前先变 ve;

  辅母 + y 在词尾,把 y 变 i 再加 -es;

  词尾字母若是 o,常用三个已足够,

  要加 -es 请记好,hero, tomato, potato。




(二)  不规则变化

  男人女人 a 变 e,鹅足牙 oo 变 ee;

  老鼠虱婆也好记,ous 变 ic;

  孩子加上 ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变。

2、1)名词可数性:专有名词不可数:人名 地名 国家。

2)物质名词不可数: 金 木 水 火 土 沙 肉 食 米 面 布 茶 咖啡 果汁 牛奶 酒 钢铁 玻璃 煤 油 墨水 作业 纸 粉笔 头发 新闻 天 气 天气。

3)抽象名词不可数:幸福 时光 爱情 知识 力量 发明 仁慈 友谊 关系 青春 信息 勇气 。




1.How much ________do you have on you?


2.Don't be afraid to ask for some ________ about ordering the meal.


3.For the time being we can collect much ________ either from books or on the Internet.


4.Now a large number of people ________ helping clear the snow in the street.


5.Stella is going to move into a new flat next month, so she plans to buy some ________.


6.The old lady saved many ________ from dying of hunger in the 1950s.


7.Villagers in the mountain area used to raise many________ on the farm to make a living.


8.Kate plans to work for the community with some classmates of________ this summer.


9.Mary chatted with a friend of      on WeChat for a long time last night.


10.The policeman gave us much       on how to protect ourselves when we are in danger.


11.I think one effective ______for me to improve my memory is to have enough sleep.


12.With great efforts and a strong will, the teenager has made a lot of ______.


13.The police are worried about the     of the boy who has been missing for 3 days.







1.Sam studies hard and he is confident that he'll pass the ________ examinations. (enter)

2.Tony’s uncle was born in Spain, but he is a ________ of France. (city)

3.Holding his ________ for about three minutes, Jerald swam down to a depth of 112 metres. (breathe)

4.Few young people are interested in traditional ________ .(skill)

5.They have reached a __________ about when and where to hold the party. (decide)

6.Miss Guo tells us that there're different __________ to improve our memory. (method)

7.Wendy was happy when she saw the menu that included many delicious ________. (dish)

8.The manager said that the _________ of the report must be at least fifteen minutes. (long)

9.The police are investigating a series of bank _________ in the city center. (robbery)

10.When we describe people, we mention their age-group, their build and their _______. (high)

11.As doctors, we take pride in our _______. (responsibility)

12.The Pony Express was a ________started in 1860 that carried mail and news  throughout the West. (serve)

13.Zhong Nanshan is one of our country's national ________. (hero)

14.A ________(win) is not a person who never fails, but a person who never gives up.

15.It’s important for students to build relationships with other members of the ________.(social)

16.Making other people satisfied also brings me _________ every day. (happy)

17.As usual, our leader made his New Year's _________ on TV on Dec.31. (speech)

18.The terrible disease has had a huge _________ on the way we see ourselves. (effective)

19.The sudden  _____of the pet dog made the old lady very sad.(dead)

20.Many _____gathered in the hall to welcome the new year.(citizen)

21.We are confident of the doctor's ________ to cure this disease. (able)

22.Peter made his sister laugh by telling her many ________. (joke)

23.The hotel offers different _______ of amusements to attract the guests. (variety)

24.The ________ of that bridge is over 200 metres. (long)

25.Two ________(policewoman) are directing traffic at the crossing.

26.Computers were considered as one of the greatest ________ in the 1920s though they were very huge at that time.(invent)

27.To tell you the ________, I have worked very hard to prepare for the final exam.(true)

28.Two armed  ________took place on the same street on Monday afternoon.(robbery)

29.It’s a new story full of________, adventure and heroic characters.(act)

30.The doctor says the________ was a great success, and the patient will get better, (operate)

31.The boy could not sleep, and he began to count________, but failed. (sheep)

32.Because of the traffic jams, I missed the ________ of the performance. (begin)

33.One major ________ of that machine is too big for us to carry. (advantage)

34.Kate bought lots of ________ from the market yesterday morning. (strawberry)

35.The ________ on show are all excellent, you can choose any of them. (piano)

36.The suspect is still missing and there is no record of his ________ yet. (die)

37.The report on the patient's ________ caught attention of the public. (ill)

38.Tom was on top of the world after returning from the ________ park. (amusing)

39.We know that it was a very hard ________, but we feel we made the right one. (decide)

40.The boy is so good with the ________ of colors. (choose)

41.Richard had little________in understanding the reason for your decision. (difficult)

42.To reduce the spread of virus(病毒), many countries stop _________ from entering. (foreign)

43.Helen’s ambition is to become an ________ in the future. (art)

44.Robben owns some furniture _______ in Wuhan. (factory)

45.We are trying to find a good ______ to deal with the environmental problems. (solve)

46.The supermarket near our neighbourhood sells different kinds of meat ________. (produce)

47.Doing housework teaches kids independence, care and ________. (responsible)

48.To tell you the _______, the tour of the Movie Park was the highlight of our visit.(true)

49.The company offered a number of chances for teachers’ professional________. (develop)

50.As a soldier, you have to obey ________. (order)

51.China celebrated its ________ birthday in the year 2019. (seventy)

52.The scene in front is too ________ for me to have a look at. (frighten)

53.His students have to hand in their homework no ________ than next Friday. (late)

54.Teenagers should learn to be ________ thinkers rather than follow others blindly. (depend).

55.Make sure the windows are closed and the door is ________ locked before you leave. (secure)

56.Customers can make a ________ to the manager by phone, by letter or face to face. (complain)

57.The factories are planning to make products with recycled materials to ________ energy. (safe)

58.Laurent, 9, will become one of the______people to graduate from a university. (young)

59.We need to concentrate on our________now, while we have the energy. (goal)

60.I forgot to take my textbook. The girl next to me shared_______with me. (she)

61.The show was so boring that we fell  ______after an hour. (sleep)

62.A number of animals have escaped from the zoo________, including a rare white tiger. (recent)

63.The death of the boy’s parents left him feeling extremely_______and alone. (help)

64.He can correctly______a pack of cards in just 31.16 seconds. (memory)

65.-- That’s not a very good time of year to travel. -- Perhaps not. It was just a_______.” (think)

66.Scientists are trying to establishing more______for their argument. (proof)

67.Sue has already graduated from university in her early_____. (twenty)

68.The twin sisters are only five years old, but they can take care of______. (they)

69.People speak different______of English in different parts of Britain. (vary)

70.“How are you?” is a very______question. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. (usual)

71.Studying abroad has made me much more______in many ways. (depend)

72.If you really want to______, you will have to work very hard. (success)

73.She didn’t stop mopping the floor until it became _______clean. (spot)

74.We are always encouraged to express our own ______naturally in class.(opinion)




75.They held a party for their cousin’s _______birthday last weekend.(twenty-five)

76.A friend of ______visited the village and she really had a good time there.(me)

77.Some people argue teachers aren’t as important as before because there is an increasing _______of information resources.(various)

78.We used to visit London once a week, but ______we go there twice a week.(recent)

79.He was _______to find his room cleaned and everything arranged in perfect order.(surprise)

80.I wonder how to start and ______the new washing machine.(operation)

81.His 8-year-old son is so ______that he can go to school on his won.(depend)

82.The team are working on a couple of unsolved ________ of this century. (mystery)

83.Many important events were held in the ________ half of the year. (two)

84.The ________ is so exciting that you can have a lot of food for thought. (speak)

85.There’s a large ________ of soft drinks to choose from in this store. (various)

86.It’s a pity that the world famous church was ________ damaged by a fire. (serious)

87.The report says the faster you read, the ________ you understand what you’ve read. (little)

88.It’s worrying that some students are ________ of the risk of playing computer games. (aware)

89.Don’t forget to ________ the date, the price and the signature on the contract. (examination)

90.I can’t do the______question but I have finished doing the other. (four )

91.Peter’s mother has promised to buy______a Millet Bracelet(小米手环) as a present. (he)

92.As a good detective, Ken looks for clues carefully and never jumps to______.(conclusion)

93.My partner was______ill and she had an operation the day before yesterday. ( serious)

94.Having done enough revision work, Joe is sure that he’ll______in the final exam.(success)

95.That shop sells a______of unusual, fun model cars, many kids like to go there. (vary)

96.Linda is a______leader in our group. She is always active in dealing with problems.(confidence)

97.When you feel tired or______, you can look for something interesting to do.(happy)

98.My postcard is different from ______in size and color. (she)

99.The lights in the restaurant were too dark. We had to change our ______. (seat)

100.Frank has just begun the ______year in the college, so everything is still fresh to him. (two)

101.The man has ______in running the shop because of the good service. (success)

102.The information was ______and the army lost the war again. (use)

103.Wendy has ______recorded a TV programme about making funny comics. (recent)

104.Susan will make a ______on children rights next week. (speak)

105.Eating too much ______food really does harm to us. (healthy)

106.Liao Changyong is an excellent Chinese_____who has held many concerts. (sing)

107.The snake can reach a_____of one hundred centimeters. (long)

108.I guess the gentleman with a pair of glasses must be in his early_____now. (fifty)

109.Several recent_____showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. (survey)

110.The jacket is available in_____colours. You can choose what you like. (variety)

111.Every morning the students greet the teachers_____with a smile at the school gate. (polite)

112.I’ve just bought my new car, so I make up my mind to_____my old one. (sale)

113.Mike’s classmates aren’t satisfied with him because he is always_____. (honest)




