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人教版选择性必修二(选修二)unit 4课文+听力+翻译(含Workbook和完整音频)

更新时间:2021-10-27浏览:评论: 条

***Unit 4 Journey across a Vast Land***

☞ Unit 4 单词表和听力


***Reading and thinking (pages 38-39)***

1-rj-xx2-unit 4 reading and thinking.mp3音频:00:00/04:31

Travel far enough, you meet yourself. – David Mitchell

当你走得够远,就会最终遇见真实的自己。 --大卫·米切尔



Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast. Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train. For both of them, the thought of crossing the whole county by rail was exciting.

Before starting out, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver, seeing the sights. During their first day, as is typical of Vancouver, it rained. Despite the weather, they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay, and later visit an island that had wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques. The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city. Later they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.

The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies. Seen from the train window, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive. When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty. They spent the night, and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper. Looking at the beautiful scenery, they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken. In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures, including deer, mountain goats, and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.

From Jasper, they caught the train towards Toronto. One of the train's first stops was in Edmonton, the provincial capital of Alberta, the centre of Canada's huge oil and gas drilling industry. Edmonton is freezing cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging-10。C. Since it can be too cold to go outdoors, Edmonton is home to many shopping malls. In fact, one of the largest shopping malls in North America is in Edmonton.

From Edmonton, the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie. At school, Daiyu and Liu Qian had leant that Canada's population is only slightly over thirty-seven million. However, they did not anticipate seeing such an open country, and were truly amazed. They went through two wheat-growing provinces, where they saw a bunch of farms that covered a very large area.

After another day on the train, eventually they were back in an urban area, the city of Winnipeg. From there, they travelled through the night, and woke up in Ontario — a land of forests and lakes.The train thundered on, through the rolling hills. The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold, and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada. Night came again, and the train turned south towards Toronto. When they woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtain, they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huron—one of the four Great Lakes on Ontario's southern border. It was not until 9: 30 a m. that they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto. All in all, their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days.




第二天,天气晴朗,温度适宜,她们看到壮美的群山俯瞰着整座城市,甚是欣喜。随后,她们在不远处的森林中徒步旅行,十分惬意 。次日清晨,两个女孩早早起床,登上开往路易斯湖的火车穿越加拿大落基山脉。从车窗往外望去,加拿大巍峨的山脉和辽阔的森林尽收眼底。火车到站后,她们乘坐出租车前往路易斯湖。那里湛蓝的湖水美丽异常,摄人心魄。住了夜之后,她们乘坐长途汽车,向北穿过加拿大落基山脉,直达贾斯珀。望着眼前的美景,两人一致认为这是她们所经历过的最棒的一次旅行。除了欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林,旅程的亮点之一是能看到种类繁多的动物,如鹿、山羊、甚至还有一只灰熊和一只老鹰。





***Using language (page 42)***

2-rj-xx2-unit 4 listen to the conversation.mp3音频:00:00/02:40

3-rj-xx2-unit 4 listen again.mp3音频:00:00/02:35




[Background: sound of train tracks and other passengers' conversations.]

Daiyu: Look there, Liu Qian! What a beautiful lake!

Liu Qian: Oh, my goodness! That must be Lake Louise! It's so beautiful! Words fail me.

Anna: Yes, that's Lake Louise.

Daiyu: It's pretty.

Anna: It's even prettier in winter, after the lake freezes over. People like to go skating on the ice.

Liu Qian: Does all of Canada get so cold in winter?

Anna: A lot of it does.

Daiyu: So then, Canada must have cool summers as well.

Anna: That's certainly true of many places. However, many areas of south Canada have a continental climate, with very hot summers and very cold winters, so some days it gets as hot as an oven.

Liu Qian: Is all of Canada full of mountains like here?

Anna: Oh, no. In fact, by the time we get to Edmonton, well be in the Prairie. This is as flat as a pancake and stretches for as far as the eye can see — more than 1.300 kilometres — until we reach Winnipeg. After that, there are lakes and forests.

Daiyu: What kind of place is Winnipeg?

Anna: It's a small city almost in the dead centre of North America, from east to west.

Liu Qian: What do you do to kill time there?

Anna: Oh, you name it… skiing, hiking, camping. But also city things: movies or restaurants on the weekends, for example. So is this your first long train journey?

Daiyu: Oh, no. Last autumn, we travelled from Beijing to Moscow on the Trans-siberian Railway through Mongolia.

Anna: How interesting! What was it like?

Liu Qian: Well, once you go north from Beijing, you pass through some low mountains and then enter the grasslands with its rolling hills.

Anna: Do a lot of people live in that area?

Daiyu: Oh, not at all! There are a few small towns along the way, but the land is pretty empty. Sometimes you might see a few horses or sheep. It's beautiful.

Anna: Wow, that sounds incredible!



Activity 2

Activity 3

***Using Language (pages 44-45)***

4-rj-xx2-unit 4 using language.mp3音频:00:00/03:45






After Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, the largest and wealthiest city in Canada, they only had a few hours to kill before they had to proceed to the next leg of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the CN Tower and looked across the shores of Lake Ontario. Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. Water from the lake lows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea.

The girls saw hundreds of skyscrapers of glass and steel and old-fashioned cars rolling by. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her and see if she’s available for dinner.”

They met Lin Fei around dusk over dinner at a restaurant in downtown Chinatown. The cousins chatted with Lin Fei, who had moved to Canada many years earlier.

“This is the largest Chinatown in Toronto. We have a few more in the Greater Toronto Area, so you can guess that there are a lot of Chinese people in Canada! Chinese people have been coming here for more than a hundred years. Therefore, we can get all kinds of great food here from all over China,” Lin Fei told them.

The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal early the next morning. At the station, in contrast to Toronto, they heard people talking in French. They were surprised to see that all the signs and advertisements were in French and many people spoke English with an accent.

“We don’t leave until this evening,” said Liu Qian, “Let’s go downtown. Old Montreal is close to the water.”

They spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting artists in their workplaces along St Paul Street. As they sat in a restaurant alongside the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.

“Hello, my name is Jean-Philippe. I’m a photographer.” he said, “and I was wondering where you are from.”

The girls told him they were from China and were on a train trip across Canada. When they told him they had only one day in Montreal, he said, “That’s too bad. You owe it to yourselves to stay longer. Overall, Montreal is a city with wonderful sights and sounds. Most of us speak both English and French, and the city has unique Quebec culture and traditions. There are fantastic restaurants and clubs around, too. Here, we love good coffee, toast and cheese. And good music, of course”

That night the train was speeding along the St. Lawrence River towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast towards the province of Nova Scotia and its largest city, Halifax. The cousins dreamt happily of the beautiful cobblestone streets, old brick buildings, and the red maple leaves of Montreal.










“你们好,我叫让•菲利普,是一名摄影师。”他说道,“请问你们从哪里来? "




***Video Time (Page 48)***





Exploring Quebec


Andy Maser: Even the oldest of places can be seen through new eyes.

Tahria Sheather: Quebec City brings to mind European vibe, history and old architecture. This city is old, about 400 years old, actually.

Andy Maser: For just wandering each neighbourhood is an experience in itself. After the long, cold winters, summer is the season of celebration.

Tahria Sheather: Everyone’s out eating, drinking, and soaking up the sun.


Andy Maser: The city's right on the water, so of course you want to get out and play in it

Tahria Sheather: Even in this old city, we were down to try something new...Maybe not always successfully.


Andy Maser: Even when you're eating, you can have an adventure. You can eat world-class cuisine in a restaurant the size of someone's kitchen.

Tahria Sheather: The restaurants are so accessible, and it's easy to feel like part of the family. We ate some strange things, but it was all incredible.


Tahria Sheather: While we loved exploring the city, we’re outdoor adventurers at heart, so we wanted to get some fresh air and see what the wilds of the province had to offer.

Andy Maser:The city is surrounded by wilderness you can easily get out and play in, no matter your skill level or how much time you have.

[SOUNDBITE from TS: “I wasn’t very graceful.”]

Tahria Sheather: You don’t have to go very far to slow down and experience solitude. There are few places in North America where you can so easily combine the urban with the wild, outdoor adventure with cultural exploration, travel just around the corner to somewhere that feels so foreign. Yet we found it all, in Quebec City


***Listening and Speaking (page 84)***

6-rj-xx2-unit 4 listening and speaking-1.mp3音频:00:00/03:34

7-rj-xx2-unit 4 listening and speaking-2.mp3音频:00:00/03:21


Interviewer: Hi Mary! Welcome to Adventure ravel. Could you please tell us more about how you began your journey?

Mary: Well, I wanted to help raise money for the medical fees for a child who lives in my neighbourhood. People would donate a certain amount of money—typically around three dollars—for every kilometre I walked

Interviewer: How far did you walk? How much did you raise?

Mary: Altogether, I walked nearly 3,350 kilometres, and raised over $520,000.

Interviewer: Wow, it must have taken a long time.

Mary: I left Sydney in November, and arrived in Perth in May, so it was about six months.

Interviewer: And what kind of equipment did you need?

Mary: Walking shoes, of course. But the most important thing was a cart to carry my water. It goes above 40℃ in the summer, so I needed to drink at least 10 litres of water a day. But there’s no water in the desert, so I had to carry my water with me for days at a time.

Interviewer: What if something went wrong? Weren't you afraid?

Mary: Well, I had a mobile phone so it was okay

Interviewer: What kind of difficulties did you face?

Mary: Hunger for one thing. Since I had to carry so much water, I did not have much room to carry food, and so some days I didn’t eat. Injuries were another. Once, I sprained my ankle very badly and it hurt a lot! On a journey like this, your body can take quite a beating and you can be in quite a lot of pain

Interviewer: Oh, dear, that sounds terrible’

Mary: Well. it wasn't so bad, really. I met kind strangers along the way. That time when I sprained my ankle, a couple offered me a place to rest for the night. They even gave me an ice pack for my ankle to help reduce the swelling.

Interviewer: I see. Did you face any problems with the wildlife, maybe snakes?

Mary: No, not really, because I followed a few rules. For example, I avoided walking through tall grass and always made sure I could see what I was stepping on. I also wore thick boots and pants to protect myself from snakebites.

Interviewer: And do you still believe that it was worth it to go on this journey?

Mary: Yes, definitely. It was a challenge, but I raised the money and even got to see the parts of Australia that many may not have seen. But what I remember best is the kindness of the people I met along the way. I would make this journey again, if the opportunity arises.

Interviewer: That's fantastic! Thanks very much for sharing your experience with us!

Mary: My pleasure




***Reading and writing (pages 85-86)***

8-rj-xx2-unit 4 reading and writing.mp3音频:00:00/04:18

***unit 4全部听力音频(含视频部分)***










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