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更新时间:2020-02-15浏览:评论: 条

高中英语《Who am I?》 1.Teaching objectives: Knowledge objective: Through comparing the details of the passage, students will get to know the development of computer in these past years. Ability objective: By doing retelling, students’ conclusion ability will be trained. Emotional objective: By doing group work, students will know the importance of cooperating. 2.Teaching Key&Difficult points: Teaching Key point: the summary of the development of computer. Teaching difficult point: How to train their independent learning ability. 3.Teaching Procedures: (1)Warming-up&Lead-in Do a survey about how often students use computers and they have to fill in the questionnaire and show me. Purpose: help students be familar with the topic today and lay a good foundation for the next step. (2)Pre-reading Have a prediction about the main idea of the passage, they can talk about their ideas first with their partners. Purpose: to train their predicting ability in reading. (3)While-reading Fast reading Give them 5 minutes to skim the passage very quickly to find out the main idea of the passage, at the same time, they can check if their prediction is right. Detailed reading Students can work in groups of four, try to find out how many stages has the development of computer gone through and what they are, then give me the answer and I will summarize the time clue. Purpose: through doing these two tasks, students can practice their reading ability, at the same time, they can totally understand the passage. (4)Post-reading Ask students to have a retelling of the passage using their own words, they can do it according to the time line given on the blackboard. Ten minutes later, they can show their retelling. Purpose: by doing retelling, students can have a clearer view of the clue of this text. (5)Summary&Homework Summary: Summarize the development of computer in the past years, it has gone through four stages, and it becomes much smaller and smarter. Homework: Write a short composition, imagine you are a computer, what do you want to say to the users. Students can have a brainstorming, and show their articles next class. Purpose: this homework is quite imaginative, students can practice their thinking ability, at the same time, they can practice their writing skills. (6)Blackboard design Computer Reading Main idea: the development of computer in past years. Time line: 1642 a calculating machine ? 200 years later a analytical machine and technological revolution ? 1936 a “universal machine” ? 1940 till now getting smaller and smaller
