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Unit 1 Past and present

1.past [pɑːst] n. 过去
2.present ['preznt] n. 现在,目前
3.just [dʒʌst] adv. 刚才
4.since [sɪns] conj. 自……以来
5.ever ['evə] adv. 曾经
6.northern ['nɔːðən] adj. 北方的,北部的
7.married ['mærɪd] adj. 已婚的,结婚的
8.wife [waɪf] n. (pl. wives) 妻子
9.block [blɒk] n. 街区
10.since [sɪns] conj. 自……以来
11.over ['əʊvə] prep. 在……期间
12.pollution [pə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. 污染;污染物
13.factory ['fæktəri] n. 工厂
14.waste [weɪst] n. 废料;废品
15.realize ['rɪəlaɪz] 意识到;实现
16.improve [ɪm'pruːv] vt. & vi. 改进,改善
17.situation [sɪtjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n. 形势,情况
18.however [haʊ'evə] adv. 然而
19.impossible [ɪm'pɒsəbl] adj. 不可能的
20.before [bɪ'fɔː] adv. 以前,过去,已经
21.lonely ['ləʊnli] adj. 孤独的,寂寞的
22.anyway ['enɪweɪ] adv. 尽管,即使这样
23.husband ['hʌzbənd] n. 丈夫
24.interview ['ɪntəvjuː] n. 采访;会见
25.yet [jet] adv. 还,仍
26.recently ['riːsntli] adv. 近来,最近
27.past [pɑːst] n. 过去
28.environment [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] n. 环境
29.transport [træns'pɔːt] n. 交通车辆,运输工具
30.condition [kən'dɪʃ(ə)n] n. 环境,条件,状况
31.return [rɪ'tɜːn] vi. 返回
32.last [lɑːst] adv. 最近,上一次;最后
33.abroad [ə'brɔːd] adv. 到(在)国外
34.primary ['praɪməri] adj. 小学教育的;初级的
35.communicate [kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt] vi.& vt. 交流,交际
36.communication [kəmjuːnɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 交流,交际
37.exactly [ɪg'zæktli] adv.(答语)正是,没错
38.narrow ['nærəʊ] adj. 狭窄的

1.used to (用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经
2.turn ... into ... 把……变成……
3.from time to time 不时,有时,偶尔
4.in some ways 在某种程度上
5.all one’s life 一生
6.keep in touch 保持联系
7.be/get used to 习惯于,适应于
8.open space 开阔的空地
9.in the north of town在镇子的北边
10.get married 结婚
11.move two blocks away 搬到两个街区外
12.since then 自从那时
13.change a lot 变化很大
14.over the years 在这几年里
15.put the waste into the river 把废料倒进河里
16.realize the problem 意识到这个问题
17.improve the situation 改善现状
18.much cleaner 更干净了
19.as often as before 和之前一样频繁
20.feel a bit lonely 感觉有点孤独
21.travel to and from the town 往返城镇
22.go abroad出国
23.narrow and dirty roads 狭小肮脏的街道
24.enjoy a comfortable life 享受舒适的生活

1.You’ve changed too. You used to be so kind to me.
2.There were always too many people on the bus, and it took a long time to wait for the next one.
3.Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park.
4.Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.
5.It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.
6.We used to play cards and Chinese chess together.
7.What was the town like in the past?
8.We mainly communicate by email.
9.The Internet makes communication much easier.
10.It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.
11.I have to spend more time on my homework than before.
12.Now the streets are wide and clean, with many green trees on both sides.
13.They used to listen to the radio or watch TV in their free time, but now most families have
computers and the Internet.
14.In the past, people travelled around the town on foot or by bicycle, but now they can go
around by bus or taxi.



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